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What is the effect of temperature on semi-enclosed refrigeration compressor

2022-12-16 15:47:44

What is the effect of temperature on semi-enclosed refrigeration compressor

Due to the high temperature in summer, some products that are more sensitive to temperature are easily affected by temperature. The use of semi-enclosed refrigeration compressor has a temperature limit, beyond or less than this temperature will affect the use effect and service life.

(1) Influence of exhaust temperature In summer, the compressor exhaust temperature is relatively high, hands can not touch. According to the national standard, the exhaust temperature of the refrigeration system of R22 should not exceed 150 OC, which is an abnormal condition. The exhaust temperature is too high because the suction temperature of the compressor is too high or the condensing temperature is too high. The exhaust temperature is too low, and the hand does not touch the exhaust pipe, which indicates that the suction temperature is particularly low, and the compressor may run with wet stroke or the working medium of the system is quite small. Compressor wet stroke easily damage the valve structure; Less refrigerant operation will affect the motor winding heat dissipation, accelerate the aging of insulation materials.

(2) Influence of housing temperature change on compressor and refrigeration system The temperature field on the housing surface of fully enclosed reciprocating piston compressor can be divided into two parts: a. The housing is affected by the inhalation of steam, the temperature is relatively low, in the slightly hot or slightly cool range, estimated at about 30OC, in the suction tube around the local housing surface there is the possibility of condensation. B. The heat of the motor in the lower casing and the friction heat brought out by the frozen oil are mainly brought out of the casing by the steam.

1) Influence and causes of excessively high housing temperature The surface temperature of the housing exceeds the normal range, mainly because the suction temperature of the refrigeration system is too high (higher than 15 OC). Too high hot vapor into the compressor, absorb the heat in the housing, so that the temperature of the vapor is higher, so that the temperature of the housing rises. The temperature of the superheated steam rises very high, and the temperature of the housing also rises very high, which is unfavorable to the cooling of the oil, which will affect the lubrication of the moving parts, accelerate the wear, and make the bearing hold the shaft (bite) in severe cases. In addition, it will cause the exhaust temperature to rise.

2) Influence of excessively low casing temperature and reasons The casing surface temperature is lower than the normal range, the reason is that the suction temperature is too low (below 15OC). It is beneficial to cooling oil and motor windings, but the cooling capacity is reduced. When the suction temperature is particularly low, it will make more than half of the casing condensation, there is the danger of liquid strike, which is a fatal blow to the compressor, should pay special attention to. At the same time, a large amount of refrigerant is dissolved in the freezing oil, which is not conducive to the lubrication of moving parts.

General consumers detect the temperature of semi-closed refrigeration compressor is the use of hand feel, because the use of thermometer is not very convenient, if the use of semi-closed refrigeration compressor is found to have abnormal temperature, it needs to be dealt with in time.


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